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Most common questions

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs to the United Kingdom are a flat rate of €14.95 with DHL and a transport time of 3-4 days.

Shipping costs and transport times for other countries to which MORENO.care delivers can be found in shipping costs & delivery time

Please note that many of our products are individually manufactured and therefore have different delivery times. The delivery time stated in the product plus the transport time listed below applies until the product is delivered to you.

Where do you deliver?

We deliver across Europe. Our distribution warehouses are located in Germany, Spain and Poland.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods: Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cartes Bancaires, Discover, Diners Club and China UnionPay payments) from customers worldwide.

The following online payment options are also available to you: iDEAL, Bancontact, SEPA direct debit, GiroPay, EPS, PayPal, Klarna, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, Mobile Pay, Swish and TWINT.

Tracking & delivery

When will my order be shipped?

We strive to have standard in-stock orders dispatched within 48 hours of your order being placed and paid for.

Can I change my delivery address?

Yes, you may change your delivery address (assuming your order has not been delivered). We recommend calling us immediately upon realizing that your order's address may be wrong. If your order is already in transit, additional freight charges may be incurred.

How can I track my order?

Use Order and Returns page.

Returns & Refunds

What is your Returns Policy?

You have 30 days from the moment your order's been delivered or made available for collection to return an item.

For all returns, we aim to refund you within 14 days of receiving the returned item.

If for some reason you are unable to return an item to us within the above timeframe, please get in touch - but we can't promise we will accept it, and any refunds may be made by way of a gift voucher.

How do I return something to you?

Once your return has been received by our warehouse, we'll email you to let you know whether a refund has been issued.