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Shipment tracking

When will I receive a shipment number?

After you have placed your order, you will receive your order confirmation from us with the expected delivery period. As soon as your package leaves our warehouse, we will send you a shipping confirmation. This email contains the shipment number, which you can use to check the exact status of your package at any time.

You can enter the shipment number and view the current shipment status using the following link: DHL shipment tracking

Remember that in some cases the link to the shipment tracking will only become active in 24 to 48 hours.

Can I change when and how my package is delivered?

Ja, das geht! Unser Versandpartner DHL schickt Ihnen immer eine E-Mail zur Paketankündigung. Darüber können Sie Ihren Wunsch-Zustellort wie z.B. einen Paketshop bestimmen oder den Zustelltag ändern. Falls der Paketbote Sie nicht zuhause antrifft, sehen Sie über die Sendungsverfolgung, ob Ihr Paket z.B. bei einem Nachbarn oder in einer Filiale abgegeben wurde.

My package should have been here long ago!

Please use the shipment tracking to check whether the package was left with a neighbor. If it is not with a neighbor and the shipping status has not changed for 5 days, please contact us.